Levels are sub-units of time that are bound to each user during an epoch. To progress to a higher level, a user must use all the available /gimme calls in the current level and wait for the timer to expire. The timer starts from the user's first /gimme call during the level.
Example of levels:
Level 1 has 5 freemint allowances and lasts for 1 hour. From the first mint, the timer starts calculating 1 hour to zero. At the end of the hour, if the user has used all their allowances, they will progress to the next level, and they can continue to use /gimme calls until the allowances/calls end for the next level.
These levels are designed to provide quality and consistency to the gameplay. Users will need to make strategic decisions about which images to mint, as the number of freemint allowances is limited for each level. By introducing levels, we aim to spread the mints throughout the epoch, reduce spam, and create a more engaging and interactive experience for all users.
In addition to the benefits of the levels themselves, reaching a higher level also provides a 'multiplier' that enables users to receive more ERC20 tokens at the beginning of the next epoch. The multiplier will be applied to the total assets held at the end of the epoch, including the minted images, creating a ratio between generated images and the ones that have been minted on-chain.
To ensure the best possible gameplay experience, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask in the telegram group.
Last updated